還記得我今年4月在瑞士火車上所拍的可愛嬌羞小女孩嗎!  這位小男生是她的哥哥, 他也很可愛, 小小年紀就顯露出那溫文儒雅的氣質, 非常的清秀與白裏透紅的臉頰, 很討人喜歡.尤其是那對迷人的眼睛與捲捲的金色頭髮. 漂亮的小男孩, 你的媽媽一定很高興, 因為她擁有你們這對人見人愛的小孩.


When I saw this litte girl on the train from Milan to Switerland, I just can't believe the amazing kid in my eyes. She is so cute that I never seemed like her.The bright and soft sunshine shines on her pure face and golden hair through the window. I picked up my courage and asked her mother, may I take the picture for your daughter. She said to me, that's ok. But the little girl was so shy and didn't turn around her head to me.  No matter what she posed, she's just like a angel and so charming.  I am very very like her. I hold the time and snapped the picutre for her. Now this is my favorite.

----- Original Message -----

From: Grace Gao

To: Andrew Ling

Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:55 PM

Subject: Fully Appreciated !!

Hi Andrew,


I just finished all of your amazing diaries and incredible photos. "THEY'RE REALLY FANTASTIC!!" Especially your photos, I must say that you're a perfect photographer! As a result of those photos are taken from your eyes, it seems that I was also there, having an imaginary tour with your friends and you! Thank you for all the beautiful pictures and your generous sharings again. I particularly love one of the pictures that there's an adorable little girl watching out of the window in a train. Her face was also in the reflection of the window, which even shows her naiveness and pureness, just like a mirror.


Best regards.











害羞的小女孩, 她依在窗邊, 陽光照在她的臉上


一頭美麗金髮, 有如天使般的臉頰, 人見人愛.

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