目前分類:2010中國之旅 (6)

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I was watching the sun rise last winter in Shanghai, China, when, suddenly, a shaft of light leapt up from the horizon. I snapped this picture of the beautiful pink sun pillar: Morning sun pillars are a common occurance, but they are not so commonly seen. You have to be watching the horizon at dawn to catch one. Ice crystals floating in cold clouds catch the rays of the rising sun and spread them into a narrow up-and-down shaft of light. They are beautiful--and worth waking up for. Can't get out of bed? Good news: You can see pillars at sunset, too.

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中國是一個發展中的大國, 而上海是中國最大的經濟中心城市, 在世界經濟的地位中快速上升

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