
I was watching the sun rise last winter in Shanghai, China, when, suddenly, a shaft of light leapt up from the horizon. I snapped this picture of the beautiful pink sun pillar: Morning sun pillars are a common occurance, but they are not so commonly seen. You have to be watching the horizon at dawn to catch one. Ice crystals floating in cold clouds catch the rays of the rising sun and spread them into a narrow up-and-down shaft of light. They are beautiful--and worth waking up for. Can't get out of bed? Good news: You can see pillars at sunset, too.

去年冬天我在上海, 觀看著太陽的升起. 那時候忽然間一道箭矛般的光芒從地平線跳躍而出. 我照下這張美麗的粉紅色光柱.早晨的陽光水柱是很普遍的現象,但它們不是很顯見的. 你必須觀看黎明時的地平線才能補捉它. 漂浮在寒冷雲層中的冰晶, 反射了日出時的光線而且擴散成一道窄小垂直的箭矛般光芒. 它們很美也很值得早點起床來欣賞. 為何不離閞床呢 ? 還有個好消息是, 同樣的光柱也可以在日落時看到. 


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