這首是由美國傳奇的鄉村歌手 John Denver 所唱的 Rocky Moutain high, 歌詞並由他自已所填寫.

歌曲中描述著 一位青年在27歲那年第一次來到科羅拉多州的洛磯山 見識到優美壯觀原始幽靜的山 心中滿是讚歎

不管是有如雨下的紅光或是星光滿天的奇景 這一切讓他的人生觀從此改變, 就如同詞曲中所說他有如重生

再次聽到這首崇拜山的好歌之後, 讓我再度興起再次來美麗的洛磯山的身邊

從猶他州, 科羅拉多州, 蒙大拿州一覽洛磯山脈的偉大.

愛山的人, 永遠都不會寂寞, 因為山總是對我們傳遞那最野性最自然的呼喚.

(Chinese lyrics translated by Andrew Ling  2010.09.01)

(歌手 : John Denver)


***********  Rocky moutain high  *************
He was born in the summer of his 27th year                               他在27歲的夏天出生
Comin' home to a place he'd never been before                            來到他從未到過的家
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again            他把昨天的種種拋之腦後,可說他已獲得重生
You might say he found a key for every door                              你可以說他找到開啟每道門的鑰匙

When he first came to the mountains his life was far away                他的人生己經過了很久遠之時才第一次來到這山峰
On the road and hangin' by a song                                        整路啍唱著一首歌
But the string's already broken and he doesn't really care               背包帶已破裂而他並不在意
It keeps changin' fast and it don't last for long                        這些快速變化是無法維持很久

But the colorado rocky mountain high                                     好高的科羅拉多洛磯山
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky                                     我看過它有如雨下的紅光天空
The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabye                  看到比搖籃曲更為柔和的星光倒影
Rocky mountain high (high colorado) rocky mountain high (high colorado)  好高的洛磯山 (好高的科羅拉多)
He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below               他攀登了主教峰, 看到了下方的銀色雲海
He saw everything as far as you can see                                  他看到遠方能夠看到的一切
And they say he got crazy once, and he tried to touch the sun            他試著要碰觸太陽, 而他們說他再一次瘋狂了
And he lost a friend but kept his memory                                 他失去一位仍依存在記憶中的朋友

Now he walks in quiet solitude the forests and the streams               現在他走進安靜荒涼的森林與激流之中
Seeking grace in every step he takes                                     每一個腳步之中尋找美景
His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand                試著理解他的眼光已經轉進自已本身
The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake                               晴朗潔淨的藍色山峰湖泊

And the colorado rocky mountain high                                     好高的科羅拉多洛磯山
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky                                     我看過它有如雨下的紅光天空
You can talk to god and listen to the casual reply                       你可以對著神訴說並且傾聽著這偶然的回音
Rocky mountain high (high colorado) rocky mountain high (high colorado)  好高的洛磯山 (好高的科羅拉多)

Now his life is full of wonder but his heart still knows some fear       現在他的生命中充滿著驚奇, 但他的心仍然有些許的恐懼
Of a simple thing he cannot comprehend                                   他無法理解一個簡單的事
Why they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more        為何他們要撕裂山峰變成數個呢
More people, more scars upon the land                                    更多的人, 更多的疤痕在路上

And the colorado rocky mountain high                                     好高的科羅拉多洛磯山
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky                                     我看過它有如雨下的紅光天空
I know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly                 如果他從未看到老鷹飛翔, 我知道他會是個可憐的人
Rocky mountain high                                                      好高的洛磯山

It's a colorado rocky mountain high                                      它就是好高的科羅拉多洛磯山
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky                                     我看過它有如雨下的紅光天空
Friends around the campfire and everybody's high                         圍繞在營火的朋友都是那麼高昂
Rocky mountain high (high colorado) rocky mountain high (high colorado)  好高的科羅拉多洛磯山
Rocky mountain high (high colorado) rocky mountain high do de do         好高的科羅拉多洛磯山


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