去年的今天, 我們來到了日內瓦. 這是全世界生活品質第二名的城市(第一名為蘇黎世),
走出火車站外, 炙熱的太陽正迎向我們, 讓眼前的一切清澈亮麗, 驚艷動人
整個城市依山傍水, 美的令人窒息, 讓人讚佩不已
望著眼前的街道, 古典建築物, 與偌大的湖泊, 我竟不自主的沉醉於這裡
這樣的城市景觀與湖光山色, 在一瞬間, 迷惑了我的心, 並觸發所有的悸動, 久久無法平復
搭上市區電車前往離大噴泉最近的英國公園, 靜靜的坐在公園, 無所適事的欣賞這碧湖藍天
此時此刻即使讓腦袋放空, 發著呆, 也是一種非比尋常的幸福
在日內瓦的許多美好回憶, 至今依然深懷於心中, 不管時間如何消逝, 這一天我會永遠記得.
張開如傘狀的盛開櫻花, 很美很美. 粉紅色的花蕊, 彩繪了日內瓦的湖濱景色
能坐在湖邊的小椅上, 悠閒望著這湖光山色, 真是人生一大享受.
即使在公園的步道, 恣意的走著, 都能感受無比的舒暢
日內瓦的天空與公園的綠草如茵, 還有遠方阿爾卑斯山的白雪, 就是如此令人陶醉.
從湖面向上噴出高達150公尺的水柱, 非常的壯觀, 這也是日內瓦的地標.
拿本書坐在清翠的草原上, 悠閒自在的過著午間時分
在這裡也有著許多的大樹, 就是喜歡看著大樹
它很大, 大到讓人可以放心的依偎樹下, 讓它保護著
一年前的今天, 你到過那裏, 做過什麼呢 ? 有留下美好或難以抺滅的回憶嗎 !
讓我們聽聽挪威女歌手 Lene Marlin 的 One year ago , 一起分享她在 "一年以前" 的深刻回憶吧
其中的一句話, 最適合此時我的心境 "And she wishes today was one year ago "
因為我也是多麼渴望能重回去年的今天 !!
****** One Year Ago ******
She's walking there alone, no one by her side
She manages to fight the tears, but the pain inside she can't hide
And all the tears she's cried, the momnet she closes her eyes
She starts thinking of you
The dreams there she had one times have gone away will they ever come true?
All she needs is .. all she needs is you, all she needs is you.
And she wishes today was one year ago
When you care so much for her and loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared ... it was true.
You never thought about it, what you made her feel
Your promised you'd stay together
But the hope she once had , so unreal
All she needs is .. all she needs is you, all she needs is you
And she wishes today was one year ago
When you care so much for her and loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared ... it was true.