
☆一生一世的感動 擁抱地球最後淨土☆
特別選擇到己接近北極圈的 Fairbanks, Tok, Delta Junction, Glennallen, Plmer 連續住宿10晚,加上這些

一. 旅程日期

       2008/09/12 (五) ~ 2008/09/23 (一)  共 12 天  (需請假 6.5 ~ 7.5 天)

       2008/09/19 (五) ~ 2008/09/30 (一)  共 12 天  (需請假 6.5 ~ 7.5 天)    ---> ok

       2008/10/03 (五) ~ 2008/10/13 (一)  共 12 天  (需請假 5.5 ~ 6.5 天)


二. 預計進度表

       1. 美國簽證辦理, 費用5年簽為 4,100元, 另外處理費 260元.  (

       2. 機票訂位

       3. 機票刷卡

       4. 預訂飯店

       5. 預訂租車


三. 搭乘飛機


     華航 (CI012)  Taipei 16:15  起飛           --->  Anchorage   09:05  抵達

            (CI011)  Anchorage 04:15   起飛   --->  Taipei  06:05  抵達

     機型  744

     票價: 43,036 元 + 機場稅 2,150元  + 燃料稅 3,780 元  = 48,966 元 (NTD)



四. 當地旅行交通工具

     租用天數: 連續 10天




         費用  1021.30  USD


五. 每日行程表

  1. Taipei 16:15 ---> Anchorage  09:05 --->  Anchorage (安哥拉治) ---> Talkeetna (塔基那)  (182km)


  2. Talkeetna ---> Denali National Park  and Mt. McKingly  (丹奈利國家公園 and 北美第一高峰 - 麥肯尼山)  (198km) ---> Talkeetna

   3. Talkeetna ---> Fairbanks  (394km)


   4. Fairbanks ---> Livengood ---> Arctic circle ---> Manley hot spring ---> Fairbank   (約 300km)


   5. Fairbanks ---> Delta Junction (130km)


   6. Delta Junction ---> Tok  (200 km)


   7. Tok


   8. Tok ---> Slana ---> Glennallen  (Copper Center)  (220km)


   9. Glennallen ---> Palmer  (236km)


  10. Palmer ---> Anchorage (72km) ---> Whittler ---> Seward ---> Anchorage


  11. Ancorage (04:15) ---> Taipei (06:05)

  12. Taipei



安哥拉治 -- Fairbanks  -- Tok 之衛星地圖 (圖中之黃色線條為主要公路, 白色放射狀為雪山與冰河).



Fairbanks 到北極圈與北極海之衛星地圖 (高山與冰河地形已不發達)


六. 城鎮距離公里數



七. 詳細行程說明


 Day 1.  Taipei --> Anchorage 安哥拉治 --->  Palmer ---> Wasilla --> Talkeetna (塔基那)  (182km)  

       塔基那(Talkeetna)是極光冬季列車(Aurora Winter Train)的一個停靠站,從費爾班出發到這裡約需7小時車程;這個小鎮很小又很古老,古老到像西部牛仔片中的場景,一棟棟小木屋零散分佈,鋼筋水泥這種現代怪物在塔基那是不存在的。 塔基那的人口大約只有400、500人,夏天是最熱鬧的時候,但不是真有6萬名訪客,比冬天多了很多人倒是真的,不過,趁著冬天來訪, 反而更能品味它的靜謐與美好。塔基那的觀光客,大都是衝著北美最高峰麥金利峰(Mount McKingly)而來,有人以此為基地,挑戰這座原住民口中的神明之山,而坐小飛機則是不耗體力的簡單方式;但其實不爬山、不坐飛機,只是塔基那就值得專程來訪,光是享受遺世獨立的氣氛,還有和建築一樣,都是自上個世紀保留下來的人情味,就足夠了。

 View from the north side of Knik Arm of Cook Inlet.



 Photo Taken: Monday September 17, 2007 — Wasilla, AK



View  from Talkeena lodge





 Day 2. Talkeetna ---> Denali National Park  (丹奈利國家公園)   (198km)



 阿拉斯加山脈高聳,美國最高的 20 座高峰中有 17 座在此地,其中最負盛名的便是高達 20,320 英呎的北美第一高峰 - Mt. McKinley (約為玉山的二倍高)。 而它所在的 Denali National Park 佔地六百萬英畝 (約為黃石公園的三倍),園內種類繁多的野生動物:如灰熊、麋鹿、狼、北美馴鹿、Dall Sheep 等, 以及原始壯觀的自然美景:如阿拉斯加山脈、寒帶草原、冰河、耐寒植被等,吸引許多世界各地喜愛大自然的遊客, 使得 Denali 國家公園成為阿拉斯加遊客最多的國家公園。 園區為保護園內的動物與自然景觀,入園15英哩後便禁止自用車進入,  因此搭乘園方的遊園巴士是參觀 Denali 國家公園最好的方式。 在夏季的旅遊旺季中,無論是遊園巴士或是露營營地都很搶手,一定要事先預訂。  車子緩緩地行駛在蜿蜒的山徑上,兩旁是寬闊的綠色草原,遠處環繞著 600 英哩長的阿拉斯加山脈,雪線上倏地拔起的 Mt. McKinley 終年雪白, 這片多樣化的景色和生活在其中的多種動物,構築 Denali國家公園兼容並蓄的美。搭乘巴士遊園是很有彈性的,你可以在沿途喜歡的景點下車健行, 往返園內的巴士班次還算密集,不用擔心回不去。 我們要去的 Wonder Lake Campground 是 Denali 國家公園的七個營地中,公認為觀賞 Mt. McKinley 的最佳地點,因此儘管必須坐5個半小時的車才能到達,這個營地還是搶手的很。 





 Day 3. Talkeetna ---> Fairbanks  (394km)

Small aurora that started right at sunset tonight. Stayed just a stream for most of an hour.

Hopefully we will see more in the next few days.    



The sky burst with rivers of green last night.  This display was so large that at times my camera couldnt capture the whole thing. The entire northern horizon lit up. What a sight!



 (Fairbanks depot 費爾班火車站)


 阿拉斯加的費爾班,一年中約有243天、也就是有2/3的日子可看得到極光,堪稱是全球極光出現率最高的地方。 近郊的珍娜溫泉度假山莊城市,是所有可欣賞到極光的著名城市裡最接近北極圈的一個,比加拿大白馬市的緯度更高,加上此地幾無光害,當極光舞動在漆黑的夜色中,更是炫目迷人。此外,在這裡,可一邊享受泡湯樂趣,一邊等待極光出現, 珍娜溫泉度假山莊專車將帶您拜訪阿拉斯加最著名的★珍娜溫泉度假山莊 Chena Hot Springs Resort;距離費爾班約60哩,是全世界最特別的觀賞北極光旅遊景點之一.在戶外溫泉泳池享受泡湯時,有機會同時觀賞到北極光在空中飛舞的奇幻美景!


Day 4.  Fairbanks ---> Livengood ---> Arctic circle ---> Manley hot spring ---> Fairbank   (約 300km)


 This is the Arctic Circle, on the Dalton Highway or Haul Road as the locals know it. The road didn't exist until the pipeline was built.This place is a photo-op only and the trip serves no useful prupose except for bragging rights. (北極圈的標線, 北緯66度33分)


Day 5. Fairbanks ---> Delta Junction (160 km)  ( Delta Junction  <--> Paxson)



 This is the great view from the top of donnely dome. It was well worth the hike.




 View of Mt. Hayes and about 50 miles of the Alaska Range from Donnelly Recreation Area south of Delta Junction Alaska.  Mt. Hayes near center is about 30 miles distant and 13,830 ft. To the East (left) is Mt. Moffit at 13,020. And far to the West (right) is Mt. Deborah at 12,339 ft.  The lake in the foreground is only about 1300 ft elevation.




 Fog rising off the Tanana River east of Tok made driving a little tough for a few miles




Mt. Hayes in the Alaska Range across the mostly dry Delta River.  (I accidentally deleted this photo while attempting to correct the name of the mountain.  Thanks to denalicolor  for informing me that this is Mt Hayes rather than Deborah!)



 Dwarf Fireweed covers the floodplain of the Delta River near Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska.



 Day 6.  Delta Junction ---> Tok  (170 km)





The mountains of the Alaska Range stretch across a broad arc in Central Alaska, on down the Alaska Peninsula and extending westward as the Aleutian Islands.  This peak is viewed from the Richardson Hwy. just north of Paxson, and illustrates "Springtime in (parts of) Alaska".



Day 7. Tok  (Around Tok area)


Mt Sanford is a volcanic mountain in the Wrangells of eastern interior Alaska.The eastern end of the Glen Highway between Anchorage and Glenallen offers a very good view of this 16,237 foot giant. The south face of the volcano, at the head of the Sanford Glacier, rises 8,000 ft in one mile (2,400 m in 1,600 m) resulting in one of the steepest gradients in North America.


We are again 10 miles south of Tok Alaska, on the Tok Cutoff Road. It has gotten colder, down to normal temps now; we had -11 this morning. However we are very quickly gaining daylight, and have passed the 12 hour day mark. We are now gaining over 6 minutes a day.



Day 8. Tok ---> Slana ---> Glennallen  (Copper Center) 



Glennallen and Copper Center area  (Google satellite image)



Warm days, freezing nights and some northern lights. Camping near Slana Alaska is pretty nice. This photo shows Mt. Sanford. LDWinger has a really cool shot of it too!

 (Photo taken : Sep, 18, 2006)



 A lovely day to slip away on the Glenn Highway, driving from Palmer, Alaska to Valdez, Alaska.



Driving from Copper Center to Fairbanks on Saturday morning through Isabelle Pass. Beautiful, blue-sky morning.....



Descending along Sheep Mt, the highway is lost in the dense fog bank.



Another view of the fog filling the valley of the south fork of the Matanuska River along the Glenn Hwy.



16,000 feet (4805m) Mount Blackburn rises above frozen Willow Lake





Mt Drum - 12,010' (3661m) tall, just 25 miles from the camera in this photo.  The sun is still shining down on the spruce forest - but darkness will soon cover the land.


Day 9.  Glennallen--> Palmer  (236km)



Only 1 km distance to touch the glacer near Glenn highway.


Travel north on the Glenn Highway National Scenic Byway to visit the Musk Ox Farm

and Matanuska Glacier, Alaska's largest road accessible glacier.



Deep shadows and bright sunlight this afternoon.


 It's still below zero and now the wind is starting to whip through town.

The snow is starting to blow off the ridges too. But what a pretty day!




Low fog in the valley and new snow on Matanuska Peak.




It is below freezing now and the leaves are falling fast.

This may be one of the last days of these beautiful fall colors.



Day 10. Palmer ---> Anchorage (72km) ---> Whittler ---> Seward ---> Anchorage


 從安哥拉治到 Whittler 需經過  Bear Valley to Whittier 的長隧道(與火車共用),每15分鐘放行一次 (北到南為每小時的30 ~ 45, 南到北為 01 ~ 15), Tunnel is open 7 days a week from 5:30 am until 11:15 pm.




 Alaska's Most Popular Day Cruise 

 (Dates of Cruise Operation for 2008 are: May 1 through September 30, 2008)

Spend a day among the world's most spectacular glaciers and wildlife aboard the fastest, argest and most luxurious catamaran in Alaska, the Klondike Express You'll cruise through the calm, protected waters of Prince William Sound and come face to face with towering masses of ice, migratory whales and breathtaking Alaska scenery. The cruise operates daily May through September. Learn more about the 26 Glacier Cruise.

 (price $139.00,  Depart from1:00PM  and  return 5:30PM)








 ★搭乘冰河遊船,從舒華港出發搭乘遊船前往拜訪壯麗的基奈峽灣國家公園;沿途是風景壯麗的基奈半島海岸線,有機會見到野生的海獅、海豹、海獺與海鳥;當遊輪抵達壯麗的哈丁冰原(Harding Icefield)匯流出海的大熊冰河(Bear Glacier)出海口,您將可以近距離觀賞雄偉的大熊冰河出海奇景(冰河遊船視天候狀況行駛)!


A Picture of The Harding Icefield


 A Picture of The Godwin Glacier. Just on the other side of Mt. Alice.



Seward Harbor Reflection

DAy 11. Ancorage (04:15) ---> Taipei (06:05)

八. 天氣變化記錄

The word that best describes Alaska's weather is unpredictable. Most travelers make the most of Alaska's summer months, May through September, enjoying warmer temperatures, long days and accessible wildlife. Throughout the summer weather is variable ranging from warm sunny days in the 70's or 80's to chilly rainy days in the 50's and 60's. Temperate rain forest areas along the coast enjoy a cool maritime climate while interior temperatures can vary from warm and sunny to cool and wet. Always expect and be prepared for cold rainy weather but bask in the sun wearing shorts and t-shirts when the sky clears as it usually does on each trip. Due to its northern latitude Alaska offers endless summer days providing plenty of sunlight for activities and explorations.



2007/10/10 ~ 2007/10/20 Talkeetna  Detailed History and Climate


10/10    -2 °C ~ 5°C

10/11    -3 °C ~ 4°C    Clear ~  Overcast

10/12    -3 °C ~ 4°C    Overcast ~ Light Rain ~ Scattered cloud ~ Clear ~ Partly cloudy

10/13    -3 °C ~ 4°C    Clear ~  Mostly Cloudy ~ Overcast ~ Clear ~ Overcast ~ Light Rain

10/14    -3 °C ~ 4°C    Light Rain ~ Light Snow ~ Overcast ~ Light Rain  ~ Overcast  

10/15    -4 °C ~ 4°C    Overcast ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Fog ~ Light Freezing Fog ~ Mostly Cloudy  ~ Scattered ~ Clear ~ P Partly Cloudy ~ Clear ~  Partly Cloudy

10/16    -3 °C ~ 4°C

10/17    -3 °C ~ 4°C

10/18    -4 °C ~ 3°C

10/19    -3 °C ~ 4°C

10/20    -5 °C ~ 2°C


2007/10/10 ~ 2007/10/20 Fairbanks  Detailed History and Climate


10/10    -10 °C ~ -2°C   Mostly Cloudy ~ Light Snow

10/11    -12 °C ~ -4°C   Light Snow ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Clear

10/12    -13 °C ~ 2°C    Clear ~ Partly Cloudy  ~ Clear

10/13    -10 °C ~ 2°C    Clear ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Light Snow ~ Overcast ~ Mostly Cloudy

10/14    -6 °C ~ -1°C     Overcast ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Overcast ~ Scattered Clouds

10/15    -8 °C ~ -1°C     Mostly Cloudy ~ Partly Cloudy  ~  Mostly Cloudy ~ Overcast

10/16    -7 °C ~ -4°C     Overcast ~Mostly Cloudy~ Light Freezing Fog

10/17    -10 °C ~ 0°C    Light Freezing Fog ~Mostly Cloudy ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Clear

10/18    -10 °C ~ - 3°C  Clear ~ Overcast ~ Light snow

10/19    -6 °C ~ 5°C     Light snow

10/20    -11 °C ~ -2°C  Light snow ~ Overcast ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ overcast ~ Shallow Fog


每年9月份的 Fairbanks 天氣預測



每年9月份的 Talkeena 天氣預測


每年9月份的 Tok 天氣預測



九. 北極光出現強度與出現頻率

2007年 9/1 ~  9/30


2007年10/1 ~ 10/31

以上這圖形是北美洲在 2007.10.01 ~  2007.10.31 每日出現北極光的強度表



其中 10/14 當天有著最強的北極光, 範圍包涵蓋整個加拿大與達美國北部領土,

10/3, 10/19 兩天也非常強.



十. 預計住宿飯店或 B/B 

1.  Talkeetna (塔基那)   (Double Room - 2persons)  $ 138.6
     (宿 Swiss Alaska Inn



This small lodge in Talkeetna, Alaska offers 20 clean and modern rooms, and a neat and rustic restaurant where you can enjoy alaskan and swiss specialties.  The Swiss-Alaska Inn is located in a woodsy area only a 5 minute walk away from Main Street of historic Downtown Talkeetna, and right next to the public boat launch. Whether you are a family on vacation, a business man, or a mountain climber who's looking for a "base camp" before the big Denali adventure, your hosts Renamary and Vern Rauchenstein will make your stay comfortable and memorable. "Many travellers of all nationalities visit us – and we welcome them all! Even though english and swiss-german are our main languages, we can understand everybody!"  "Send us an email to make a reservation request. We are looking forward to seeing you soon at the Swiss-Alaska Inn in Talkeetna, 

 the wonderful southside of Denali (Mt. McKinley)."

 2. Talkeetna 

     (宿 同上 )


3. Fairbanks 

     (宿  Minnie Street Bed & Breakfast Inn and INNSpa.)




4. Fairbanks

     (宿 同上 )


5. Fairbanks
   (宿 同上 )


 6. Delta Junction

     Prices start at $90.00. Kids 10. Credit cards accepted.

    MC, VISA, Amer. Exp. Disc.



  Located in Delta Junction, the Alaska 7 Motel offers you a quiet comfortable room to stop and relax in while you journey through our beautiful state. Take a day or two to enjoy the breathtaking scenery.  The Alaska Range with Mt Hayes rising majestically over 13.000 feet is only one of the sights in this area.  Interested in fishing? You can fish for Silver Salmon and Lake Trout at Quartz Lake while the Clearwater River and Lake have some of the best Grayling in the state.  Alaskans from as far as Fairbanks and beyond come here to fish. Charter fishing tours available too.


Alaska 7 Motel offers you a large comfortable room with 2 full size double beds, a full private bath with shower,satellite TV, and telephones, a small refrigerator and microwave along with courtesy coffee and tea.  All rooms are nonsmoking and for your convenience, there is wireless internet in each room.


 6. Tok  (Westmark Tok hotel)

      Summer Rates: Begin in May 2008, Starting at $90.00, and $5.00 For each Additional Person

 Open mid May through mid September for summer guests.  The "Gateway to Alaska", Tok sits at the crossroads for travelers heading north to Fairbanks or southwest to Anchorage,  Tok is the first community inside the U.S. border along the famous Alaska Highway. The modern Westmark Tok, conveniently located at the intersection of the Alaska and Glenn highways,  offers a spacious dining room with excellent food at reasonable prices, a relaxing lounge and plenty of free parking.  Whether you're enjoying the remarkable natural beauty and outdoor activities around Tok, or just passing through town, a visit to the Westmark will be a pleasant break from a long day on the road.


7. Tok  (Westmark Tok hotel)



8. Glennallen

   Glennallen is the gateway to the Copper River Valley and Wrangell - St. Elias National Park - America's Largest National Park, making the Caribou Hotel in Glennallen the perfect lodging headquarters  for your Alaska vacation.



The Mountain Sky Hotel in Valdez has your creature comforts covered.

We offer 103 spacious  rooms and suites and offer the following amenities:


9. Palmer  (Rose Ridge B&B,  Double $85.00, Additional Guests - $10.00 each)

 Secluded, yet close to everything in Alaska's beautiful Matanuska Valley! Rose Ridge is situated on 15 quiet wooded acres at the base of Hatcher Pass near Palmer. Choose from spacious guest rooms that are comfortable and private or a separate vacation chalet that is perfect for couples traveling together, families and extended stays.

David & Diane Rose grew up in Palmer and have raised their two daughters there. An energetic Jack Russell Terrier is the latest addition to the family. Diane has worked in the tourism industry since 1986, and has extensive knowledge of the Matanuska Valley history and attractions. David, a longtime carpenter, built Rose Ridge himself with guest convenience in mind.


十一. 預計費用

       1. 飛機票價: 43,036 元 + 機場稅 2,150元  + 燃料稅 3,780 元  = 48,966 元 (NTD)

       2. 汽車租金  約 31,000 (一台)  /  7 人  = 4,500

       3. 汽車油資  約 20,000 (10天)  / 7 人   = 2,900

       4. 住宿費用 (9晚) 15,000

       5. 用餐費  約 5,000 元

       6. Ferry day cruise $139 * 30 = 4,200

       7. 過路費 (Tunnel pass) ..... 等其它費用


           合計:  77,000 元


十二. 注意事項

    1. 請全程攜帶背包,當個快樂又自在的背包客.

   2. 禦寒衣服不可少,尤其穿著透氣的 Goretex 外套與登山鞋最佳.



極光不是用美可以形容的,它也不是庸俗的幸福或好運的字眼所可比擬。當看到極光的那一刻,心中的感動與震懾,宛如豁然明瞭,起初  神創造天地萬物的奧秘。


九月份是北極光的季節, 尤其在9/22 秋分出現的機率非常的高與美麗, 真的很奇妙, 詳見以下報導.

AURORA SEASON: It's September, and that means aurora season is underway. For reasons not fully understood, the weeks around the autumnal equinox (Sept. 23) produce more geomagnetic storms than any other time of year. Even the mildest solar wind stream brushing against Earth can ignite auroras:  北極光的季節就是九月,也就是說北極光的季節是持續進行的,有些原因是不全然能了解,9/23 秋分的星期裡會比一整年的其它時間產生較多的磁場風暴. 即使是最溫和的太陽風激流掃過地球時,也能點燃北極光.

"What a beautiful night," says Erkki Rauhala who took this picture from Uurainen, Finland, on Sept. 6th, typical of many recent sightings in that part of the world. Most of the displays ahead will be confined to Scandinavia, Alaska and Canada, but don't be surprised if Northern Lights descend to mid-latitude US states such as Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Washington. 'tis the season!  (大部分北極光的出現只限制在北歐,阿拉斯加,加拿大.如果北極光也下降到中緯度的美國等州,也不要驚訝)


Ps: 以上照片均參考與下載自 Google, Underground weather, Travel Alaska, Space weather 等網站.


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