還記得在 2007.10.06 ~ 07 的北歐自助旅行, 我們一行 6 人來到挪威峽灣小顉 Flam and Gudvangen, 在精品店與火車站遇見這兩位清秀的女孩. 隨手拿起相機拍下了她們美麗的身影. 快兩年了, 心中一直忘不了在當時的美好印象, 終於等到今年夏天 '舒子' 要到北歐自助旅行, 於是委託她幫忙帶三張照片到挪威, 把我拍的照片(背面並有書寫我的感言如下)親手交給他們, 就在昨天(2009.06.21)夏至這天 '舒子' 竟然幫我達成任務了. 並透過即時的 Email 把照片傳遞回台灣, 讓我看到他們近況與拿起照片的開心模樣.
想不到這樣一次偶然的北歐旅行, 也能再續前 '緣', 我與那兩位挪威女孩應該都會深深的感動 !
(Gudvangen 精品店的女孩)
(2007.10.06 的清純模樣)
(2009.06.21 的最新樣子 , 手持著上面的照片)
I visited your store in Guvangen on 6th, OCT, 2007. And my friend named Larry was helped by you for the camera left on the bus to Bergen. In the evening we took the camera back from the driver of bus, our heart was really touched. Thank you so much for the warm help. Berfore we steped out the boutique store, I bought one coffe and spoke to you "You're so beutiful and you'll be a superstar in the future".
Best regrads
Andrew Ling from Taipei, Taiwan 2009.06.16
謝謝妳, 美麗的女孩 Thank you, beautiful girl
(Flam sbana 火車站的售票女孩)
(2007.10.07 的清純模樣)
(2009.06.21 的最新樣子 , 手持著上面的照片, 聽說她表現優異已升官了)
Your charming smile and kindly service makes me unforgettable. So pretty Flam and Norway, truely touch my heart !
妳那迷人的笑容與親切的服務, 讓我難以忘懷, 好美的 Flam 與 挪威, 真的觸動我的心.
Best regrads
Andrew Ling from Taipei, Taiwan 2009.06.16