那一天的早晨醒的很早, 看見微亮晨曦隱約從房間的窗戶透了進來,
感覺這將是一個晴朗美麗的早晨, 讓我興起想看日出的念頭,
於是拿起相機與腳架, 輕鬆搭上電梯往 11 樓的陽台走去.
推開頂樓鐵門, 迎面而來的是清新空氣與迷人的曙色,
這時太陽還在東方地平線之下, 但已迫不及待的向上射出千紅萬紫的紅光,
當沈醉於這美麗的黎明曙光之際, 我驀然回首看著另一面的天空,
此時月亮正徘徊於令人驚豔的彩霞之上, 優雅的展現它的溫柔丰采
美麗的月亮, 此刻最讓人心動, 真的讓人捨不得把目光移開, 而就此定格了.
好愛好愛這樣的早晨月亮 ! 特別分享一首每看到月亮就會想起的歌. Christopher Cross 主唱
(Arthur's theme 亞瑟的旋律)
Someone who turns your heart around 有一個人能讓你的心千迴百轉
And next thing you know 接著的事你會知道
You're closing down the town 你將再也沒機會去城裡作樂
Wake up and it's still with you 一覺醒來羈絆仍在
Even though you left(her) way across town 縱然你離開她
Wondering to yourself 你捫心自問
Hey, what have I found 我究竟在尋些什麼呢
When you get caught between 當你困於
Then moon and New Your City 明月與紐約之間動彈不得
I know it's crazy but it's ture 我明白這很瘋狂卻是千真萬確
If you get caught between the moon and New York City 如果你困於明月與紐約之間動彈不得
The best you can do 你所能的最佳選擇
The best 最佳的
That you can do 你所能的選擇
Is fall in love 就是墜入情網
Arthur he does as he pleases 亞瑟喜歡為所欲為
All of his life his master's toy 他的生活是一團糟
And deep in his heart he's just 但在他內心深處
Wake up and it's still with you 一覺醒來羈絆仍在
Even though you left(her) way across town 縱然你離開她
Wondering to yourself 你捫心自問
Hey, what have I found 我究竟在尋些什麼呢
When you get caught between 當你困於
Then moon and New Your City 明月與紐約之間動彈不得
I know it's crazy but it's ture 我明白這很瘋狂卻是千真萬確
If you get caught between the moon and New York City 如果你困於明月與紐約之間動彈不得
The best you can do 你所能的最佳選擇
The best 最佳的
That you can do 你所能的選擇
Is fall in love 就是墜入情網
Arthur he does as he pleases 亞瑟喜歡為所欲為
All of his life his master's toy 他的生活是一團糟
And deep in his heart he's just 但在他內心深處
He's just a boy 他還是保有赤子之心的
Living his life on day at a time 而他的生活中也擁有許多美好回憶
Living his life on day at a time 而他的生活中也擁有許多美好回憶
Showing himeself a pretty good time 他過得快樂無比
Laughing about the way they want him to be 他不禁竊笑那些意圖讓他改變生活方式的人
Laughing about the way they want him to be 他不禁竊笑那些意圖讓他改變生活方式的人
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