(4 月中旬仍結著厚冰的中綱湖)
白馬市的 Petit Hotel Enhante 一家人, 非常歡迎我們的來臨, 他們也很感謝我們台灣人對日本 311 地震的捐助
女主人的媽媽提及她很想來台灣一遊, 期待他們能來台灣,
在要離開山莊時主人女婿還 show 一瓶他在台灣買的謢手霜, 而我也 show 一瓶日本製的謢手霜, 哈哈.
山莊地圵: 長野, 白馬村, Hokujo 2455-3 電話: 399-9301
事後還發了一封 email 給那先生如下:
Hi Masanori 真教
Very happy to stay at your hotel one night last week
It's a cosy and tender accommodation that we feel
And we're so lucky to know you and your sweet family
Hope to see you again in Japan or Taiwan.
We invite you to travel Taipei next time, I could lead you to many famous scenery or museums.
And so many delicious food you can enjoy in Taiwan
Sincerly yours
Andrew Ling 2012.04.22 from Taipei, Taiwan