

其實好久好久沒寫中文信,更何況是英文信. 但終於寫好以下的這封電子郵件給 Alaska 的夫妻倆,並寄了11張在台灣拍的照片給他們. 希望他們會喜歡. 也特別分享 2010.09.04 我在台北內湖大崙山所照的超美麗彩霞給大家, 這是颱風逼進台灣陸地前一晚的黃昏後景色, 記得那一次我是一個人沒用手電筒摸黑下山的, 好勇敢.


Hi R..ta & K..h

I am really happy to get your email here and feel so great to see your amazing photos. I spent two days to collect my favorite photos in past years taken by me in Taiwan. When summer or autumn comes the typhoon will attack the land of Taiwan, but the day before typhoon approaches Taiwan will form a very beautiful sunset and rosy clouds. It always attracts me to take my camera out to capture the seldom and wonderful scenery. I put one photo into the attach file.

Taiwan locate on west Pacific ocean and subtropical area. Very close to mainland China and Japan. We owns 200 mountains over 3000 meters above sea level and plenty plants. In addtion to I always heard newspaper report the black bears.appear in central Taiwan mountain region but their size are small than Alaska bear. I just saw it in the zoo. Also hundred thousand migration of birds from Siberia fly to Taiwan and return their hometown. The famous birds are Platalea minor and Calophasis mikado, but I never see them due to I am not a bird-watchers.

Alaska is a great land to me and I hope I will be their again in third time. Maybe in early September and I dream can go to Wonder Lake of Denali National Park. Next time when I step into Earthquake park of Anchorage will meet you unexpectedly, stay tuned !!

Sincerely Yours

Andrew Ling , 2013.04.25 22:43 Taipei, Taiwan




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