今天最開心的事就是收到來自阿拉斯加的一對夫妻寄來的 email, 他們是在安哥拉治 Earthquake Park 遇見的. 在與他們短短的 10 分鐘交談之中, 知道他們是退休後專注於生態攝影並經營網路生態照片. 聊了一下後我跟他們說在5天前於 Tok 我拍到北極光與彗星的照片,並且上傳照片到 Space Weather 網站, 請他們要記得去看. 於是他們告訴我那天晚上要在該公園等待強烈北極光的來臨 (以 Anchorage 的城市夜景為前景來拍攝), 並說極光等級為5級,所以當晚讓我在機場時跟聯合航空職員希望幫我們劃位為左側靠窗來欣賞極光,而且如願以償. 我根據他們留給我的 email , 寫信告訴他們我在飛機上看到了 Nothern Light, 也寄照片給他們, 另外告訴他們已回到台灣, 而且迎接我們是華氏 80度以上的高溫, 還有這時的台灣到處是綠意盎然與美麗花開, 歡迎他們有空來台灣走走.

以下他給我的郵件中, 提到最近遇到黑熊的心情分享,非常樂在其中,這是生態攝影家守候多時最想拍到的鏡頭. 還有候鳥即將來到春天的阿拉斯加, 我想他們每年最期待的日子已經來臨. 最後他希望能看到一些台灣的照片, 就讓我來找找要送他那些照片呢. 有興趣想分享的朋友們, 也可以與他們交流 !! 2013.04.24

Hello Andrew,

So happy to hear from you last week. Thank you for your BEAUTIFUL photos of the Northern Lights. No wonder Special Weather published them. The stars are amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing. Also glad to hear that you were able to see the NL on the way home. Glad that worked out. Such an amazing sight . . . It was so nice meeting you and your family/friends at the park. We certainly enjoyed meeting with all of you. Warm weather and blossoms sounds very nice right about now!!

Hope you like the photos I am sending to you. We've been busy taking pictures of the black bear sow and her two cubs. Their den is inside of this high cottonwood tree!! I've never seen anything like this before (Keith has) and I am just thrilled to witness this part of nature. Hope you enjoy their photos as well. Also, the big migration of birds has begun up here. So exciting when Spring arrives!!

Would love to see some of your photos of Taiwan if you ever feel like sending some this way.


(照片為 4/12 我在 Anchorage Earthquake Park 所照的城市與雪山)



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