7/6 再度來到金瓜石往雙溪的公路,這一段景觀非常特別與迷人的地方,曾經讓我印象深刻,直呼想再來,終於實現.新北市 102 縣道21公里處,是我最喜歡停下來賞景的地點,張菲也曾經在這裡騎重機拍過廣告。

I talked to Ross (he comes from South Africa) I love this scenery very much and asked him what is the highest elevation of South Africa mountains. He took out his smart cellphone and search the information from iinternet then show me '3420 meters high, ??? mountain'. And I said to him "President Mandela praised the contribution to South Africa, and American president Obama went to your country to visit him last week", he answered me "Yes, but he almost die". I hope god can bless Mandela, he created the new century in South Africa.

昨天(7/6)的新聞美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)網站旅遊版4日彙整25個迄今人類最偉大、最令人印象深刻的工程或建築成就,2004年底開幕的台北101大樓也名列其中。今天(7/7)下午4點在一場大雷雨之後我騎車上去離家很近的碧山巖,這是我很喜歡的景點,可以看到整個台北城市,不管夕陽或日出或夜晚的燈火,都是最迷人的.這張照片剛好有架飛機從松山機場起飛後正要穿越 Taipei 101 .

Today after a heavy rain with thunder, I rode my motor up to Bi-ShanYan temple near my home. This is my favorite landscape in northern Taiwan, can see the panoramic of Taipei. It's so attractive in the evening or dawn to watch the pure scenery and enjoy the night view shining after sunset. When a China airplane almost pass through Taipei 101 building , I snap it



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